A Community Hub at Station 1 Coffeehouse

Since the 1700s in Europe, coffeehouses have been vital places for community members to gather and share stories, exchange ideas, listen, learn and of course, drink coffee. In downtown Grimsbytoday, the atmosphere at Station 1 Coffeehouse facilitates this same kind of connection – with fresh organic food, comfy chairs, a cozy vintage couch and a large harvest table at the back of the restaurant, there is no doubt that this is a place well suited to be one of Grimsby’s community hubs.


Cranberry Orange Scone and Tea
I was fortunate to have sat down with the founder and owner of Station 1 Coffeehouse, Laurie Didyk- Mindorff, to learn about the story behind this coffeehouse. When Laurie’s children were young, her family traveled often, always seeking out the local coffee spots along the way. She also had many great memories taking her children to the Smiling Dog Café here in Grimsby before it closed.  After that point, she felt there was a gap in her community. It needed a locally-owned coffee shop where people could relax while enjoying a hot cup of good organic, fair trade coffee and freshly baked goods.

So began the work of Station 1 Coffeehouse, in the transformed old Grimsby fire hall.

Four and a half years later, it continues to make this vision a reality in Grimsby every day, also offering trivia nights, open mic nights and a gorgeous rental space upstairs.

Did you know that a percentage of their sales from hot beverages are donated to a different charity every month? Laurie and her family had always been inspired by the local charities in Grimsby and she wanted her business to contribute to the work happening here as well.

In March, your hot drinks help support the Lions Foundation of Canada Dog Guides.

I’m grateful for this place in Grimsby, which is dedicated to making every Grimsby resident feel like a pivotal character in this town’s exciting story.

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